Charlie Bucket is a kind, loving boy who lives in poverty with his mother, father, and four bedridden grandparents. Directly across the street from their house is a world-famous chocolate factory. Its owner, Willy Wonka, has long since closed access to the factory due to problems concerning industrial espionage that ultimately led him to fire all his employees, among them Charlie's Grandpa Joe. One day, Wonka announces a contest in which five Golden Tickets have been placed in five random Wonka Bars worldwide, and the winners will be given a full tour of the factory, as well as a lifetime supply of chocolate.
One ticket-holder will be given a special prize at the end of the tour.
1) The first ticket is found by Augustus Gloop, a greedy, gluttonous eater from Düsseldorf.
2) The sencond is found by Veruca Salt, a spoiled, rotten brat from Buckinghamshire.
3) The third is found by Violet Beauregarde, a boastful, competitive gum chewer from Atlanta.
4) The fouth is found by Mike Teavee, an arrogant, aggressive video-game addict from Denver.
5) the fifth final ticket is found by a Russian boy but this boy's tickets was a fake.
Charlie finds the last ticket and can enter a tour in the factory with Mr. Wonka, the owner.
During the tour, each of the bad children disobeys Mr. Wonka's orders and have to leave the factory. Charlie is the only child who can stay.
Mr. Wonka offers him the tour's secret prize: a chance to live in the factory and work with him.
(Based on Wikipedia)